Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes

                        Moist, Light and Fluffy

                        Moist, Light and Fluffy

Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes


1 Cup of Oatmeal (Old Fashion or Quick Oats)

1 Egg

1 1/2 Teaspoons of Baking Powder

1/2 Teaspoon of Kosher Salt

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla

1 Tablespoon or Coconut Oil

1 Tablespoon of Honey


1/2 Cup of Fresh or Frozen Blueberries/Pecans/Chocolate Chips




1. Place oats in you blender and grind for 1 - 2 minutes until all oats are ground into a flour.

2. Place all ingredients into a bowl and blend, except for the blueberries.  

3. Prepare griddle for pancakes.  I used a coconut oil pan spray.  This recipes yields approximately 6 pancakes, If you use 1/4 cup of the pancake mix for each pancake.

Make it fun for the whole family....I love blueberries and my son loves chocolate chips.

Try my recipe and come back to share your experience with us...Enjoy!

Rosemary Roasted Chicken



Rosemary Roasted Chicken


1 Whole Chicken

1/4 Cup of Fresh Rosemary

2 Leaves of Fresh Sage or 1/4 Tsp of dried Sage

1/2 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tsp of Kosher Salt

2 Tsp of Fresh Cracked Black Pepper



1. Chop your Rosemary and in a small bowl. Add 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil, 1 Teaspoon of Salt and 1 Tsp of Pepper. Stir all ingredients together. 

2. Remove the backbone from your whole chicken.  Carefully lift skin over both breast portions to add the olive oil and herb mixture. Place the herb mixture deep under the skin, being careful not to completely remove the skin. Add an additional tablespoon of olive oil under each beast portion. This will add extra moisture and prevent the breast from drying out.

3. Turn the chicken over and add any left over herb seasoning under the skin of the legs and thighs and lightly salt and pepper. Place chicken in baking dish with breast portion side up. Drizzle the remaining portion of olive oil over the top of your chicken and season with remaining salt and pepper.  Place chicken in the oven uncovered and bake for 45 - 60 minutes at 400 Degrees until golden brown and with an internal temperature of at least 165 Degrees (At thickest part of chicken making sure not to touch the bone.)

Pairs well with a Medley of Sprouted Whole Grain Rice

Try my recipe and come back to share your experience with us....Enjoy!

Margarita Key Lime Pie

                            It's a "MINI" Trend...and A Party Favorite! 


1 Cups of Graham Crackers (Crumbled)                            1 Large 16oz Container of Cool Whip (Room Temperature)

1 Cup of Biscoff Cookies (Crumbled)                                  1/2 Cup of Lime Juice (Fresh Squeezed)

1/2 Cup of Unsalted Butter (Melted)                                  1 8oz Package of Cream Cheese (Room Temperature)

1/4 Cup of Granulated Sugar                                               1 3oz Package of Margarita or Lime Jello

2 Dozen Mini Pie Pans (Disposable)                                    1/4 Cup of Water (Warm)

2 Cans of Condensed Milk                                                   1 Large 16oz Container of Cool Whip (Room Temperature)



1. Crumble Graham Cracker and Biscoff Cookies in a bag or food processor.  Once you've crumbled them place the graham crackers and biscoff cookies in a bowl...add the melted butter and sugar. Stir all ingredients together well. Place 1 Tablespoon in each mini pan and spread mixture towards the sides and bottom.  Take an empty mini pan and place on top to press firmly in place.  Tip:  If you can't find Biscoff Cookies, just replace with the same amount in Graham Crackers.

2. In a bowl blend your Condensed Milk, Lime Juice and Cream Cheese.  Prepare your Margarita or Lime Jello in a small bowl or cup using only 1/4 Cup of warm water to dissolve the Jello.  Once your Jello is dissolved completely add to your cream cheese mixture...Combine well.  Place 2 Tablespoons of mixture into each pie shell.

3. I used a star tip to add the Cool Whip to top my mini's.  If you don't have a tip or pipping bag you can use a sandwich or freezer bag.  Just add the Cool Whip to your bag of choice and clip(cut) off one edge.  Start with a small size clip 1st to check your swirl topping...If you want your topping to have a larger size swirl, cut a little more off the edge of the bag.  Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

This recipe adjust well to make one 8 or 9 inch pie. You can make these little mini's ahead of time and even store in the freezer for up to 6 months.  Take one out at a time to satisfy that craving we all tend to get :-) 


Try my recipe and come back to share your experience with us...Enjoy!





Grapefruits are Good For The Body

I bought some grapefruits a couple of days ago and they were naturally sweet and delicious.  So, I decided to peel and remove the wedges to enjoy. Grapefruits are known as one of the worlds healthiest fruits. They strengthen our immune system, can boost metabolism, reduces kidney stones risk, fight gum disease, protects against cancer and can reduce stress....just to name a few. 

Grapefruits are low in calories but full of nutrients. They support clear, healthy skin, help to lower our risk for many diseases and conditions and may even help with weight loss as part of an overall healthy and varied diet.……

Delicious Grapefruit Wedges


1. Remove the outer skin, better known as the rind, of the grapefruit...which is bitter.

2. It's pretty easy to remove the wedges from your citrus fruit using a paring knife. You can see each wedge on the outer sides of the fruit. Slice along the sides of each wedge to the center of the fruit and remove.  Enjoy!

Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps


1 Can of your favorite Tuna

1/4 Cup of Mayonnaise

1 Tsp of your favorite Mustard

2 TBSP of Fresh Parsley

1 TBSP of Fresh Green Onions

1/2 Tsp of Kosher Salt

1/2 Tsp of Fresh Cracked Black Pepper

1 Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes

1 Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

1/2 Tsp of Garlic Powder

2 Large Boiled Eggs

10 - 12 Leaves of Romain Lettuce or your favorite Lettuce

2 Large Beef Tomatoes


1. Place eggs in a pot of room temperature water.  Make sure to fill your pot with water to cover the tops of eggs. Boil eggs for 12 to 15 minutes on a medium heat.  Remove pot from heat and sit to the side for another 5 minutes then peel and place in a bowl of ice and water to cool down. Once the eggs are cooled you'll want to cut them in to small cubes.

2. Cut each tomatoes in half then slice to your desired thickness....I sliced mine thinly. Next you'll need to thinly slice your green onions and parsley.

3. Cut the bottoms of the romaine lettuce off and carefully remove all of the leaves.  Wash each leaf well then pat towel dry...Place the lettuce leaves on your plate or platter.  Add 2 slices of tomatoes to each lettuce leaf.

4. In a medium bowl combine tuna, eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, green onions, parsley, salt, red pepper, cayenne pepper, black pepper, garlic powder and eggs. 

5. Place 2 scoops of tuna on each romaine lettuce leaf and enjoy!


Try my recipe and come back to share your experience with us!